Experienced Leadership for the Roseville Community
OPEN LETTER TO THE. RESIDENTS OF ROSEVILLE: I have been selflessly serving our Roseville community for almost ten years. Now I am being publicly attacked for my prior service in San Jose, for actions I took 12-16 years ago – distorted and out of context. So I’d like to respond.
Quality of Life
Public Safety
Fiscal Responsibility

Our Children: Sydney (18), Samantha (21), Peter (21), Amanda (23), and Alexandra (23)
“There is no doubt about it – Roseville is the BEST place to raise a family.
Let’s Keep it that way!!“
-Pete Constant
Where I Choose to Live and Raise my Family
Nearly 10 years ago, my wife, Julie, and I decided we needed a better place to raise our 5 young children. After decades of living in a large city, we were ready for better. We looked just about everywhere, and chose Roseville specifically for the quality of life, excellent public safety, the family-friendly community, the opportunities it provides for children, and, of course, the incredible schools.
And we are so thankful that we did! We felt at home immediately and our children have thrived in our community. Julie and I both jumped right into our community, getting involved at many levels. Julie became active in our local schools: first as a parent volunteer, then as a Roseville City School District Board Trustee, elected twice by our community.
I found other ways to serve our community: as a city commissioner on the Board of Appeals, the Community Priorities Advisory Committee (CPAC), and the Charter Review Commission; active in local nonprofits as an Assistant Scout Master and Merit Badge Counselor for Boy Scout Troop 1, helped to found and run the Throwing Starfish Foundation, and have been elected to the Roseville Joint Union High School District Board, where I currently serve as president of the board.
We were so lucky to find Roseville to call our new home. Now I’m running for City Council to ensure Roseville remains the absolute best place to live, raise a family, work, and play. It is essential that we Preserve Our Quality of Life, Increase Public Safety. Maintain our Fiscal Responsibility, and Preserve our High Quality Educational Opportunities.

Pete Constant