Experienced Leadership for the Roseville Community
Protect Quality of Life
Nearly 10 years ago, my wife, Julie, and I chose Roseville as our home specifically for the quality of life, excellent public safety, the family-friendly community, the opportunities it provides for children, and, of course, the incredible schools.
There is nothing more important than preserving and improving the quality of life that drew me and many others to live, work, and raise our families in Roseville. I will be laser focused on the issues that impact our quality of life: public safety, responsible growth, homelessness, and finding solutions for our transportation issues.
Protect Public Safety
Our community is selflessly served by the best and brightest in the Roseville Police Department and the Roseville Fire Department making our communities some of the safest in California. Unfortunately, that safety is continually threatened by decisions at the state and regional level. With the rise of crime throughout our state, we simply cannot afford to rest on our laurels. I will make sure our police officers and firefighters have what they need to continue to do the work to keep us safe and protect our quality of life.
As a retired police officer, I will bring my decades of law enforcement and public safety experience to the decision making at city hall, ensuring that we maintain and expand our local efforts. I will draw on my legislative advocacy experience to effectively advocate at the state and federal level for much needed change to keep all our surrounding communities safe.
Responsible Growth
Roseville has grown immensely over the past two decades. Generations of community and elected leaders created responsible and manageable plans for the city’s growth. Their foresight and leadership set the vision for what West Roseville looks like today. In fact, my neighborhood and virtually all of District 5 would not be here today without their vision and planning.
As Roseville continues to build out that vision, we need someone that understands the issues and will tackle the problems with intelligence and diligence. I will use my experience, as well as my knowledge of land use laws and regulations, to ensure that Roseville grows in alignment with the plans and manages the pace of our growth to maintain the feel and quality of life that residents expect and deserve.
With housing mandates from the state, and multiple projects that have been in development for years, if not decades, Roseville needs experienced leadership on these issues.
Traffic & Transportation
Traffic – who hasn’t been frustrated by the traffic issues in our communities? Traffic is getting worse by the day. It’s no longer just Hwy 80 and Hwy 65 that’s the problem – many of our main streets are getting bogged down with traffic, leading to longer trips to school, work, the coffee shop, grocery store, and just about every other destination. Meanwhile, virtually empty buses with limited destination service add to the congestion.
And it’s not just slow traffic we have to worry about. I am committed to making our streets safer. The high number of car accidents and rising number of serious injury and fatality accidents that we are experiencing in Roseville is very concerning. Addressing this serious issue will take a comprehensive approach of investing in traffic enforcement, examining our roadway designs, and increasing public awareness.
As a retired police officer, fatal traffic accident investigator, and former city councilmember, I have a unique knowledge and experience to bring to the decision making at city hall to confront these serious traffic issues. I will prioritize traffic safety whether you are walking, biking, or driving in our community.
Homelessness is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in Roseville and our surrounding communities. Fortunately, our city has taken a comprehensive and integrated approach to addressing homelessness that includes working with county agencies, nonprofits, and other organizations that provide services to address homelessness and provide affordable housing. From my perspective, the most important element of these efforts includes Roseville Police Department’s solution-focused approach offering outreach, intervention and re-integration when possible. The police department has implemented a Social Services Unit (SSU), which is a Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) Unit to head this effort.
I will lead efforts to expand our city’s investment in this solution based approach. But that is only just the start. It is clearly much less expensive to prevent homelessness than to help someone once they find themselves on the streets, so we need to initiate and invest in prevention. I believe that homeless residents should have access to basic and safe shelter, but that they have a responsibility to use it when provided. Those suffering from severe mental illness and addiction belong in treatment centers, not in our streets and parks.
Roseville should lead the way on addressing the issues surrounding homelessness.