I have been selflessly serving our Roseville community for almost ten years: 9 years on the Roseville Board of Appeals, 4 years on the Roseville Joint Union High School District Board, Vice Chairman of the Roseville Charter Review Commission, member of the Citizen’s Priority Advisory Committee, and founder of two local-serving nonprofits.
Now I am being publicly attacked for my prior service in San Jose, for actions I took 12-16 years ago – distorted and out of context. So I’d like to respond.
Dear neighbor,
Over the last two weeks you have received mailers and texts with some disturbing messages about me. I’ve dedicated my life to public service and am accepting of criticism and can typically ignore campaign rhetoric – but honestly they’ve gone too far this time.
This election cycle has become the most negative and the most expensive in Roseville’s history.
Over $100,000 has been spent by unions, developers, and builders to attack me and support my opponent.
Let me be clear – the mailers that appear to be from police officers and firefighters are NOT from the men and women you see serving you honorably every day on the streets of Roseville. They are from Union Bosses and are funded by unions all over the state.
These messages are full of lies and distortions and purposely out of context (see the facts below). Some contain digitally manipulated images without clear disclaimers as required by law, others have been mailed without the public campaign filings as required by the Fair Political Practices Commission and state & local law – that’s right, these unions have broken the law.
Don’t be fooled by people who want to BUY a councilmember so they can have a blank check to get everything they want.
They know that I can’t be bought and will always put the residents and taxpayers first. I’ve done that for years and that’s why they attack me. They don’t like people who know how to say NO.
I hope you see through the lies and cast your vote for me for Roseville City Council.
I will represent you honestly, with integrity and accountability. just like I have for the last nine years on the Roseville Board of Appeals and previously on the Roseville Charter Review Commission. And just like I have been for the last four years at Roseville Joint Union High School District, where I serve as the Board President.
Great schools don’t happen by chance, they happen as a result of great leadership.
Please take some additional time to read the information below. Then ask yourself, in both good times and times of crisis, who do you want representing you? Someone with deep experience in government, public safety, and who knows how to handles crises and govern? If so, then I’m the right candidate for you.
If you have questions or concerns, call me directly at (408) 649-9500.
If you haven’t voted yet, I respectfully ask for your vote.
Your neighbor,
Retired Police Officer
RJUHSD Board President
Jessup University Professor
Vote Constant
Raising my Own Pay –
The City of San Jose has a committee of resident who serve on the Council Salary Setting Commission. They hold public hearings and determine council pay rates. The full city council merely voted to implement the pay rates they sent to us.
Subsequently, the Great Recession hit and it became apparent that the city was over extended and unprepared. Budget and pay cuts were necessary. Every single employee took a 10% pay reduction, but I led the way, CUTING MY OWN PAY FIRST – well before my council colleagues or city leadership.
Budget Cuts –
After years of mismanagement, the city was over extended and unprepared. The recession decimated the city’s budget. Our council faced several years of massive budget deficits – over $400 Million in deficits – including years where the deficit alone was greater than Roseville’s entire budget!
YES, I made hard decisions.
YES, I stood up to special interest demands.
YES, I focused on fixing the structural budget deficit.
YES, I cut the budget – we had too the city was short millions of dollars.
YES, the city reduced its workforce significantly because there was no other viable option.
YES, I was one of the leaders of the Fiscal Reform plan.
YES, I was one of the leaders of Pension Reform efforts.
I know how to make hard decisions and stand up to special interests. Something the residents of bankrupt cities like Vallejo, Stockton, Loyalton, and many others wished their city council had the foresight and fortitude to do.
Increased Crime –
There are many reasons for increased crime, but there’s no doubt the Global Great Recession was one of them. Many people across the county found themselves unemployed and desperate. So was the city’s reduction in staffing. Many people across the county found themselves unemployed and desperate.
There were 10 other councilmembers that I worked with. We could only do what a majority of us could agree upon.
These hit pieces don’t mention the dozens of budget memos I authored to keep police officer positions in the budget, fund officers with other budget sources, and reduce other city operations to fund police officers. Unfortunately, my council colleagues wouldn’t support those efforts.
They don’t mention this because it doesn’t fit their False Narrative.
My Disability Retirement –
Some mailers make outrageous false statements leading people to believe I faked a disability to unjustly get a disability retirement. THIS IS PATENTLY FALSE.
I was injured in an on-duty undercover drug buy operation. This incident resulted in a retinal detachment, a blown out knee, and severe disc damage in my neck and lower back. I had SIX spinal surgeries, including an artificial disc in my neck and a four-level lower spinal reconstruction with extensive hardware installed, FOUR knee surgeries, retinal reattachment surgery, and another emergency surgery due to significant complications.
One of the surgeries left me partially paralyzed and it took years to regain partial function. I still have partial paralysis in one of my legs and have days when it is difficult to walk.
I was out of work for over a year and my initial recovery took nearly four years.
Even now I experience setbacks that are extremely painful and limit my mobility. But I don’t complain about it – I continue to serve my community.
Anyone who wants to come review my medical records or see the X-Rays, text me at (408) 649-9500 and I’ll gladly accommodate you.